Agency Information Jennings Fire Department Contact: Address: E-Mail: City: County: State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Fax Number: Website: Current Code Enforced: Number of prints required to submit along with app: How many will be returned: Are they to be signed or sealed and by whom: Fee for Residential Permit: Fee for Commercial Permit: Fire alarm systems: Fire alarm systems Fee: Fire suppression systems: Fire suppression systems Fee: Mechanical and Electrical: Mechanical and Electrical Fee: Hood Suppression System: Hood Suppression System Fee: Cooking Hood: Cooking Hood Fee: Duct Installations: Duct Installations Fee: Special Agents: Special Agents Fee: Fireworks: Fireworks Fee: Demolition: Demolition Fee: Burning: Burning Fee: Any other permits not listed above: Explain your permitting process: List any municipalities within your jurisdiction: